Your Premier Source of Outstanding Chiropractic Care

Specializing in Helping Athletes Enhance Their Performance

Skilled Chiropractors Trusted in the Sports Community

At Apex Chiropractic, we have been helping many athletes up their game since 2014. Our company is based in Swedesboro, New Jersey, and we specialize in sports and rehab care.

Our Commitment to Excellence

The goal and mission of Apex Chiropractic is to provide every person with the opportunity to live the lifestyle they want, free of pain and at optimal function. The practice is dedicated to delivering solutions that fit each individual’s goals; whether that is preparing for the upcoming sports season, injury prevention, chasing the kids around or simply wanting to feel like your best self.  Utilizing a relationship-centered approach, Apex Chiropractic aims to bring out the true potential of health and performance of the people that seek our help.

Connect With Us Today

For any questions or concerns, get in touch with us now. We are ready to provide you with the answers you need. Dr. Owens looks forward to helping you.